
The COMPLETE History of Lyana and Iekez

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Alright. The first thing that needs to be known before I'm able to go into Lyana and Iekez is the fact that Lyana is Nal's heartless, and Iekez is Eiez's. For those of you who might not know what this means (and I'm not quite sure who wouldn't, but-) Lyana and Nal ultimately came from the same person (a somebody, named Lyana) when she was attacked by lesser heartless and took her heart away. Same went for Iekez and Eiez (coming from the somebody Iekez). Lyana and Iekez, the heartless, took their names from their somebodies. Nal and Eiez got their names when they both became a part of the Organization. Anyway, let's go on, in order of events. Be warned, this will be long.

Eiez and Nal formed a relationship with each other in the Organization a bit after Eiez came into being. However, at the same time Eiez was alive and well as a Nobody, Iekez was in a completely different situation. When Bald Mountain (their previous home, see Fantasia) was destroyed, it ultimately became a part of The End of the World. For those of you, again, who don't know what it is, it's a big gloomy shadowy dark world and once you're sucked into it, you don't escape. Chernabog (watch Fantasia, dumbbutts) was sucked in as well, and for months and months, tormented the poor Iekez, who suffered tremendously during this time. The moment he was freed from the darkness (when Sora freed the world from The End of the World in Kingdom Hearts 1), Iekez hightailed it out of there. Unfortunately for him, he came into awareness of the fact that while he had been suffering for what seemed like a lifetime, his nobody was having the time of his life cuddling with his sweet little girlfriend. So, of course, he got pretty pissed, and became the wrecker of their lives trying to make Eiez feel the same pain he had. Of course, love prevailed, Iekez kept getting driven away- but kept coming back.

Now, at the same time, Lyana was a part of her own situation. Nal became a nobody years before Eiez became a nobody, which means Lyana existed way before Iekez did. So, what was she doing in the time between being created and finding Iekez? Ultimately, Lyana started out all alone. Traveling by herself, she slowly became angrier and angrier at the idea that she, really, had no idea what to do. That's when she ran into Zackariah. Zack had been a part of an anti-Nobody group long before meeting Lyana, a group that did fun things like killing Nobodies. And yeah, that's another story. Well, meeting Lyana after he was done being involved, he took her in like a lost puppy and gave her a place to stay. Telling her she was worth nothing, pathetic, and weak, he offered to train her while she stayed with him, promising her he could change this. At some point, Lyana fell for the handsome Frenchman, and when she told him, he only ridiculed her for her patheticness. So she gave up the idea. When Zack finally put her to the test (remember the anti-Nobody feelings?) and ordered her to rid of her Nobody, Lyana felt as if this would make her stronger, and set out against Nal.

This is where the stories collide.

On a fateful night, Lyana visited the Organization with promises to "take the kitten off of Eiez's hands" for good. After a bit of a fight, Iekez appeared from the shadows, having had the same idea that night- to torment the two poor nobodies. Like the boob he was at the time, he only laughed in her face at her lack of reason behind wanting to rid of her Nobody, and after insulting and offending the heartless, they parted ways, Iekez smug and successful in his taunting.

[Before I continue, let me explain a little thing Fell and I came up with in our roleplays. We decided that since Heartless are I guess, in some way superior to Nobodies in the sense that Nobodies are just the empty shells, Heartless can ultimately take over a Nobody's body and "possess" it for a time. And yeah. Who cares if it's canon or not, it makes for some interesting plots. Anyway. Continuing.]

Lyana continued attempting to rid of her pathetic nobody, and at some point in the future, took over her body, and successfully ended up getting stuck with her lack of experience in doing this. Iekez happened to be around at the same time Lyana (in Nal's body) was sitting outside the castle. As he crept closer to torment the poor kitten, he overheard Lyana talking instead, and his plans changed, tormenting LYANA instead! : D Over time, his irking her was successful, and she left, only to return later and confess to him, sleeping, that she was sorry they couldn't just get along and work together. Overhearing her once again after waking up in secret, they began conversing about becoming partners- until Lyana made a disgusted comment about the fact that Nal and Eiez couldn't even actually love- and none of them could. Iekez, in turn, smugly commented that they could lust, and kissed the appalled and frustrated Lyana after she uncomfortably told him not to get close to her. This was the first spark towards their relationship beginning- and was also the first roleplay Iekez called her "princess" in.

I guess somewhere after that, their relationship was started. (Keep in mind that Fell and I DO Live Action Roleplay a lot, so some of this could have also been done in real life- the transcripts of text roleplays is all I have to go off of for this, so I'll try my hardest to remember what went down! :C)

Over time, Lyana and Iekez's relationship was mostly strengthened by their shared love of torment of Eiez and Nal, although over time, Lyana lost her drive to kill her nobody for no reason lol. Zack, very unaccepting of Lyana and Iekez being together, started becoming an issue at this point, and Lyana mostly saw him in secret. Seeing as FINDING the other heartless was an issue, one night, Lyana attacked and took over Nal's body on a date the two of them were on in New Orleans. As soon as Eiez realized it wasn't his girlfriend, but her heartless, he attacked, and Iekez showed up himself at the same time, chiding him for attacking Nal himself. When Iekez learned that it was instead Lyana, he went bat-crazy and attacked his nobody, tossing him off the rocky cliff onto a ledge. As Lyana left Nal's body, Nal going through the motions of saving her injured boyfriend, Lyana and Iekez hightailed it away to kiss on some staircase. And yeah, these two had such a deep connection at this point- not really yet, but Lyana did confess she loved him at this point. The deep connection would come later when their relationship became more than just making out and seeing each other sometimes.

Sometime after this, Lyana and Iekez finally decided they would get a house together. Discovering a place in the woods (intelligently in the same world Zack lived in, how stupid do you get?) they made their home there- a small cottage with a main room and a bedroom. Living together for some time, Iekez one night groggily suggested that they should get married- considering Nal and Eiez had been engaged for some time. Lyana, at the time, sleepily agreed, as long as he bought a ring and did it formally. Iekez jumped at the idea, but it was never brought up again. Lyana at this point had run away from Zack and paid for it when she returned to train with him. When Zack tried to keep her there, Lyana fell into a routine of spending some time with Zack, and then returning to spend some time with Iekez. Fed up with this, she told him after one day's brutal training that she would be taking a break and would not be returning. Hitting him to be let go when he tried to restrain her, she fled, only to be chased and attacked, Iekez catching them and helping to break up the fighting- after Lyana kissed Zack to have an advantage in knocking him unconscious. After a tense discussion over whether or not Lyana was still in love with him, they decided to go out to Notre Dame to spend the day together and forget what had happened- and Iekez took the engagement ring he had purchased with him.

After a day in Notre Dame, eating, shopping, and spending time together, Iekez escorted Lyana to a place underneath the bell tower of the large church, and as the sun began to set, he proposed to her. However, not everything would prove to be amazing and perfect after the two were engaged. The previous scuffle with Zack had enraged the Frenchman, who vowed to himself to split them apart through his blind jealously. Unfortunately, he kept this promise, and just as Lyana and Iekez had been Nal and Eiez's worst nightmare in their relationship, Zack became an even worse nightmare to the two heartless.

Many small incidents occurred with Zack attacking at random- making his way into their house and causing trouble, or stopping them in the forest. However, every time Lyana and Iekez found a way to recover together and their love stayed strong. There was some thing that happened soon after where Iekez attacked Nal for some reason and dropped her to Zack, Eiez had to rescue her from the buttish Frenchman, and Lyana had to rescue Iekez from Yomontx and Ataxe. It was some fun stuff. And for those of you who don't know completely what I was just saying, I'm not exactly sure how that tied into this big plot anyway, so you can just ignore it. Iekez did get shot by Yomontx trying to protect Lyana from a bullet, which was something, but they cuddled and it was okay lmao.

What can't be ignored, though, is the fact that Iekez, since the moment he met Lyana, continued to grow in his involvement with The Empire and Ion. Let's take a moment to explain for anyone who doesn't understand- The Empire is a world inhabited solely by Hosts- a race (that Fell came up with on her own what a talented person she is <333) that evolved from Heartless who didn't feast on hearts- but on each other, instead. The result was a new, strong, humanoid race- Ion being their leader, who longed to take over each and every world, devouring them to make the Empire stronger. And yep!

So Iekez is growing in his involvement working for Ion. That'll be REALLY important later. But we'll discuss it when it gets to that. What did happen was Iekez threatening to ruin Nal and Eiez's wedding. Nal begged him not to, and Iekez told her that he would take her instead. Eiez ultimately had Ataxe chain him to a tree so Iekez couldn't get to her through him, and when Ataxe watched Nal to make sure she couldn't be taken, Ion used Ataxe's body to get through to Iekez, and because of his actions, Iekez was stabbed. Returning home to be cared for- again- by Lyana, Nal and Eiez finally get to be happy-go-lucky again. You can see why Lyana and Iekez are the "enemies" now.

So let's see. Nal and Eiez finally have their wedding (which, fun fact, we roleplayed at the same time as the Royal Wedding! : D) and Lyana and Iekez are not only incredibly jealous, but PISSED OFF. This is especially because of the fact that while they've been tormented, attacked, and hurt, Nal and Eiez get the perfect lives, AGAIN. So, Iekez takes Nal to the top of the bell tower in Twilight Town, while Lyana keeps Eiez busy. While Nal turns into a lioness and the two of them fight, Lyana and Eiez watch from the ground, Lyana smug and Eiez freaking out over his new wife. Pretty exciting. However, the tables turn when Nal tosses Iekez's cross off the tower, and Iekez, without anything to protect him, explains in anger and frustration that Eiez always got everything and he had nothing, which wasn't fair. He explained that the only reason he had joined Ion was because he had promised to restore Bald Mountain if he did, and he wanted to do something good for once, but was only stabbed for it. Nal, who paid no attention to his desperation, threw him off the side of the tower, and Nal and Eiez won once again as Iekez hit the ground, shattered some bones, and was taken home by Lyana once again. Luckily, he escaped death by a hair. They're not even married yet- of course Iekez isn't going to die.

And the situation only got worse from here. While Iekez was injured and hurt, Zack decided to pay them a visit. When Lyana attempted to attack when he came to the door, Zack told her that if she failed to defeat him, he would kill Iekez, his reasoning being the same as always- that Iekez was a liar, and that Zack could make her happier than Iekez could. When Lyana tried to attack, Zack hit her with the hard end of his rapier, and knocked her unconscious. The blow, it seemed, was enough to remove her memory for some time, and Zack, using this to his advantage, lied and claimed he, instead, was her fiancé. Iekez at this point, woke up, and hearing Zack, forced himself up only to find the two kissing in the hall. Fun, right? After time, Iekez found Lyana again in Zack's house, and stayed put until Lyana's memory returned. When it came back, the two quickly escaped home.

Sometime after this is when Zack made his way to their house, but before he was able to do anything, Iekez awoke and set up a trap. I forget exactly how it worked, but Iekez successfully burnt half of Zack's face to a crisp, and in the pain-induced rage, Iekez was run into a tree, and injured his ribs, which Lyana was forced to shove back into place. The night was long and hard. |T (And this roleplay was done in LARP. So I remember just how much I cried.)

The morning after, when the two are both finally doing fair- not okay, but fair- Iekez set up the day for them to get married. The wedding ended up being nothing fancy- just outside of their house, but Lyana bought a dress, and the two of them agreed that they should get it over with as fast as possible before anything else could go wrong.

Zack, however, is still in the picture, remember? And after what happened with the night previous, he was as enraged as ever. Making his way to them as their little, makeshift wedding began, he interrupted, rapier in hand, face burnt and scarred, ready to attack. Iekez, summoning his cross, was faced with the threat that if Zack couldn't have Lyana- nobody could. In the midst of the heated fight, Iekez spoke his vows (yes, while beating Zack into the ground), and Lyana hurried through hers. When Zack was subdued, the two finished out the wedding, but as they kissed, Zack freed himself, and in his moment of advantage, stabbed Lyana in the stomach. Escaping into the trees thinking she was dead, Lyana only got an inch within it before Iekez was able to pull her back and save her life.

As Lyana recovered, Iekez stayed by her side every moment. However, this meant that he was not in The Empire, working for Ion. On one rainy night, as the two of them tried to make their way outside for some much needed time together, (kissing in the rain, cute stuff) Ion appeared. Appalled that for everything he had offered Iekez, he had spent his time at home instead, he contemplated either killing him or dragging him back with him, until Lyana spoke up. Ordering Iekez to leave her, Ion offered to fix his injuries, Lyana's injury, and bring Bald Mountain back if he came back to The Empire- permanently. As soon as Lyana attacked, and ultimately flared up her injury again, Iekez's mind, which had been under control by Ion previously, came back, and attacking the host, ordered him to leave their home. Ion, warning them to watch their backs, left, and when Iekez and Lyana finally made their way into the rain, Iekez assured her that he would never trade a thing for her- not Bald Mountain, and not a silly "general" title in The Empire.

During their exchange, Zack returned, once again. This time, instead of anger, he held remorse, and apologized for his actions- especially the ones which led him to stab Lyana with the intent of killing her. Lyana, in her pain and anger, inquired why she should forgive all of his actions with one small "sorry". Zack, frustrated, held onto the idea that he could have made her happy by caring about her, and that her confidence would come from both his training and supporting of her. Lyana, enraged at this point, confessed that she had loved him, but that after his jealousy and anger, there was no way she could simply turn around and accept his affection, especially when at the same time, he had never accepted her happiness with the man she felt she was supposed to be with. Accusing Zack that he only cared about himself, he again tried to reason, but not before she pointed out the fact that not only had he had not only tried to murder her more than once, but also injured her and injured her husband as well. From this point on, Lyana was unwilling to reason with him, and Zack retreated.

What needs to be known at this point, though, is that Zack from the very beginning, had a plan. This would not be revealed to Lyana until much later- but Zack felt that if he could beat her down enough, it would teach her to be independent and would teach her how to survive. Although he had a very twisted way of showing it, Zack always did care about her, and every event that occurred after their training had ended, still ended up being some form of training her.

At this point, after Zack had left, it became clear that Iekez's injury that we've mentioned a few times had grown to be a lot worse, and during the end of Lyana and Zack's conversation, he began coughing up blood. Iekez confessed after making it inside that he never wanted to tell her that the injury he had harbored since before the wedding was getting so bad, especially after she herself was injured almost to the point of death at the same time. Finally, the two of them settled in together for a much needed recovery.

After not long, Iekez- well rested and recovered, mostly- made his way to Notre Dame to help fix one of Ion's many schemes. Back when Iekez got caught by Yomontx and Ataxe in the Organization, he had actually been snatching up files to give to Ion, who used them to launch an attack on Notre Dame in an attempt to claim the world as his own. Nal, Eiez, Ataxe, and Kacjalx made their way there as well, and Iekez finally proved that he was moving on from causing Nal and Eiez nothing but trauma by aiding the members of the Organization in fixing the situation, wanting nothing more at the time than to dethrone Ion from his "ego-pedestal".

This is where we can see Ion, at this point, saw no worth in Iekez at all, and everything he had done to Iekez before and at this point had simply been to get rid of him. In Iekez's own words, to make it easier, "I'll admit. The idea spurred from me. But not from my mouth. A heartless that leans a little too close to The Empire for too long, but is strong enough can become a host, as well- or at least partly. With that being said, Ion first considered it an insult to his 'superior kind'. So, he sent me on assignments to get me killed. To get your files... Hm. That's why when I tried to steal a little kitten, Ion decided to try and kill me." Ion's ultimate promise to bring back Bald Mountain had been a lie. (And also, what Iekez said about the heartless turning into a host? That did almost happen to him himself from his lingering too close to The Empire so much, and it also happened to Lyana much later on when she visited to protect Iekez from punishment. Both of them did recover though.)

From this point on everything starts to get better, until we get to the point where Zack is still attempting to fix things with Lyana, and at some point afterwards, this ends in him kissing her and things falling apart between Lyana and Iekez. After finding out his wife cheated on him, Iekez finds it hard to accept her apologies until a miscommunication between the two- Iekez leaving his wedding ring at home so it won't be damaged, Lyana thinking this means he doesn't want to be married anymore, and leaving hers alongside his. Quickly after, Iekez finds her unconscious in the forest from exhaustion, and brings her home, and a long discussion and plenty of tears bring them back to each other's arms again.

This worst misunderstanding did prove once in for all that Zack could not be trusted, and that Lyana and Iekez truly loved each other and belonged together.

Finally settling back into a regular routine, and finally recovered from previous events, the two of them begin reshaping their life together. Having promised each other that they would try to start a family after their wedding (since sleeping together before marriage is a NONO), they were a bit held up with other things, such as being stabbed, being injured, and everything else. After how much they worked themselves up over the night they would try for the first time and how and where it would happen, they finally made it to that night, and shortly after, the news came that Lyana was pregnant.

Never before had they been so happy together than in the peaceful months knowing a baby was on the way and they could finally start their family. After four months, the gender was revealed- a baby girl. Overwhelmed with pride and love, they gave her the name Amalie- Russian for "flower". However, Zack, still around, found out about Lyana and their baby daughter on the way, and at the time he came, Iekez had been gone for nearly a month in The Empire, working for Ion to ensure his family's safety. Although Lyana begged him with everything she had to leave her be, she was also unprepared for his attack, and after hitting her hard straight in the stomach, Amalie died immediately.

The excitement and love died away too quickly, only replaced with the deepest of pain and sorrow for both of them. Reluctant to try again, they abandoned the idea of starting a family for a very, very long time.

Time passed, and on one fateful night, however, after a fight, Iekez stumbled across a little girl in the forest. After kicking him for being mean to her and running away, she found their home, and Lyana accepted her inside. Her name Xentalia, she ran away from the Organization after being taunted for being a mute. She had previously formed a friendship with Kacjalx, and Iekez had run into her before in Notre Dame, but obviously didn't remember this.

After inquiring why she had left the Organization and why she was at their house, they reluctantly decided to let her stay with them there. Neither one of them was ready to have any sort of family, especially after Amalie's death, but neither had the heart to kick her out into the cold. However, as reluctant as they were at first, they quickly welcomed her, and over time, began to regard her as a part of the family they had previous decided not to start.

Spoiling her with toys, games, and stuffed animals, both enjoyed giving Xentalia the childhood they saw she was unable to have previous with such a hard past (being unloved, losing her friends, and her family as a somebody). They took Xentalia to see fireworks, spent time with her, and cared about her tremendously. Somehow, it ended up filling the voids left in their hearts from losing Amalie, without them even knowing it.

From this point on, the situation began to improve for Lyana and Iekez. Happy with Xentalia and unpestered by Zack and The Empire, nothing could be better. However, one cold morning, Iekez received the notice that Zack had been captured and was being held in, of course, The Empire. This came as a surprise, since previously, the Frenchman had visited and claimed to Lyana that he was going to take his own life, his worth in the world long gone. Knowing that they both had to do what was right and take Zack away from The Empire, they reluctantly freed him from the prison and took him back to their home in the forest. When Zack regained some strength and attempted to force himself onto Lyana, once again, he was dumped back off at home, and it quickly became evident that not all of their problems had subsided.

Iekez suffered greatly at Ion's hands for his harboring of the "criminal" in his home, but this ended up being hardly an issue after recovering with his wife's care, and when her birthday came around, the two celebrated with dancing the night away to Kacjalx's cello. Nothing could have been better.

Unfortunately, Zack struck again. Finding out about Xentalia, he stole both Iekez and her away from their home and to his abode, chaining them onto trees outside his home. Threatening them, his ultimate goal was to force Lyana to come to choose between the two, so that he had the satisfaction of ending one of them. Luckily, Lyana got the help of Kacjalx, Trayjan (one of the heartless that had previously been a part of the anti-Nobody group with Zack, but had left when he had forced him to kill his Nobody girlfriend Andreax), and Zack's own Nobody, Carahkziax, to fight Zack and free her family. And to make matters worse, at this point Lyana already had broken her arm from the last time Zack had struck her home, snapping it in half when the conversation had not gone his way. Foiled in his plans again, Iekez and Xentalia returned home, mostly unscathed. And even after the turmoil, the two still were able to enjoy a dream together and be happy.

Unfortunately, both the dream, and the happiness didn't last long. Back at the Organization, Xentalia's going missing had been regarded as kidnapping knowing that Lyana and Iekez now had her. Kacjalx came back to warn them that this was their mindset, but he had unfortunately been followed by another member of the Organization, who came to take Xentalia back. The little girl, still injured from Zack's attack, was unable to fight back as Kacjalx was forced to take her back to the Organization, Iekez defeated in trying to save her. (One of the only reasons Kacjalx did go along with taking her was simply because he felt that if she went to the Organization, she could be taken care of in the infirmary there and heal faster. ;n; )

When Iekez returned to take Xentalia back, he ran into another Nobody- Aicelmx, Kacjalx's brother, who had the ability to communicate and summon spirits. Making a deal with the boy, Iekez was finally able to see Amalie for the very first time, a young and small spirit with long brown hair and pink eyes. The reunion was both heartwarming and heartbreaking, and not long into the future, Lyana returned with him to see her as well.

Although Zack hadn't been around for a while, the threats were not gone yet. Ion, fed up with Iekez spending all of his time with Lyana and in their home, began sending heartless to attack their home. After some time, Ion's brother, Arkham- who wanted nothing more than to please his brother- was sent to rid of Lyana. Ion felt that if Lyana could be taken out of the equation, Iekez would have no choice but to return back to The Empire to serve him. Arkham was successful in his mission, snapping Lyana's neck and leaving her to die, Iekez racing back just in time for Lyana to die in his arms.

Unfortunately for Arkham however, there is a twist to heartless dying. If both the heartless and the nobody die, since they are the same person, they will ultimately join back up as shell and heart and make the somebody again. Iekez hurried to Nal and begged her to sacrifice herself to save Lyana, and promised that if this happened, they would both come back fine. When Nal agreed, and both were gone, the somebody Lyana came back in Wonderland. Reluctant, Iekez sent heartless after the poor girl, and when she lost her heart for the second time, both Lyana and Iekez and Nal and Eiez were happily reunited.

Later on, the same fate came upon Iekez. Lyana went upon the same motions, and got both him and Eiez back. I think we just did that for fun though.

Arkham wasn't done yet, though. The last resort was a drastic one, but ordered by Ion, Arkham visited their home with two armored hosts and a swarm of hungry heartless, quickly beginning to devour the world as they broke into the home. Iekez was not present, in The Empire fighting at the time, Lyana and Xentalia home alone. Quick to fight, both were quickly subdued by the hosts, Xentalia sure to grab important items from their room, and were dragged away as their home, and their world, were absorbed into The End of the World. Taken to The Empire against their will, Ion revealed to Lyana that keeping them there would keep Iekez there as well, as this was beneficial to ending the war. Nobody was more enraged than Iekez, who reluctantly led the two up to their new home in Babylon- the section of the Empire mainly inhabited by heartless.

Lyana was incredibly distraught over losing the home they had lived in since the very beginning. So many memories had been made there- their engagement, marriage, Amalie, meeting Xentalia, everything. As they watched the remains of the world float by The Empire on their way to The End of the World, Lyana realized she would never be able to make a true home in Babylon.

Xentalia was sent to live with Kacjalx after some time so that she would be safe. She was happy there, however, and still remains there today, keeping him company in the large mansion. Lyana and Iekez tried their hardest to keep positive through the war. When Iekez began slacking off once again to spend more time with his wife in their new abode, Ion visited, enraged. The pleasure of keeping Lyana alive and bringing her to The Empire had only been a privilege, in his opinion. His proposition was simple- either Lyana and Xentalia serve Ion as well until they die, like Iekez, or Iekez would return to the battlefield. Lyana, in a moment of blind panic, overheard and offered herself up instead, and only succeeded in throwing herself into the madness as well, Iekez not being spared because of her involvement.

Iekez, incredibly unhappy with her because of her decision, refused to speak to her until she is forced to help him stick a gash in his back, and when they did, it was only thrown into a fight. Iekez was frustrated because Lyana did everything he longed for her not to do- getting involved with the war, for the most part, and this scared him out of his mind. Unfortunately, as there was not much either could do, they both were forced to accept and live with the idea of Lyana fighting alongside Iekez on the battlefield.

Living together for months in Babylon, they slowly became more used to the idea as time went on, Lyana pleased to be able to see him on the battlefield and know he was okay, and Iekez not happy about it still but glad she was able to be with him at all. Unfortunately, at this point in time, Arkham had turned away from the Empire and gone off on his own against it, partnered with another one of Zack's old partners in crime, Amrit. The two of them caused trouble both in and around The Empire, Iekez assigned to track them down. Eventually, Lyana became involved as well- once to bait the two of them so that Iekez could catch them, and when that failed, a second time to help Zack (whoa! What, really?) so that he could get a stolen possession back- his dead fiancée's engagement ring. At this point, Zack was starting to become less of a threat and more of a sort of old past friend, Lyana unable to ignore helping him for something so precious.

Unfortunately, Arkham wasn't done yet. After defeating Lyana, Arkham, Amrit, a new host accompanying them, Shay, and a few followers stole her away with the intent to toss her into The End of the World. Iekez, catching up, however, saved her and was quick to move her through a portal home before exchanging her captivity for his own. Arkham and Shay took him far away to Agrabah, keeping him hidden in a cave for weeks while Lyana recovered in the infirmary. After befriending Iekez's horse, Obitous, who was also hurt in the infirmary in the same time, and befriending a traveling Nobody, Xolkheed, the three tracked him down and brought him home safely.

After the turmoil, once Iekez had recovered in the infirmary, Lyana and Iekez finally agreed to do something they never had had the chance to do previously- finally go on their honeymoon. Taking time off to spend time on the beach and in a hotel, the two spent days in absolute peace, nothing troubling them until they had to head home to fight on the battlefield once again.

The honeymoon ultimately brought up the conversation once again about starting a family. Not sure if they were ready or not yet, the two spoke over and over again about if they could do it, and if they wanted to try again, and ultimately agreed that they should. Weeks later, Lyana begun to feel strange. A pregnancy test revealed that once again, she was expecting a child.

As protective as ever, Iekez ordered her to stop fighting, and as soon as her armor couldn't fit anymore, Lyana took a leave of absence. Checking in with the infirmary as much as possible, they took every precaution to make sure their baby was going to grow up fine. They debated countless times on whether or not it would be a boy or a girl- if it was a boy, his name would be Sammy, and if it was a girl, Sunny. When the time came, and they were able to find out, Sunny became the answer, and then the debate became over what she would look like, and what eye color she would have.

Unfortunately, another issue came up at this point. When ordered by Ion to enter the core of Adela to fix it, the force that kept the main part of The Empire floating, Iekez returned home delirious and covered in purple ash. The Core, a being by itself, traveled along with Iekez and appeared to Lyana after taking over his body, claiming it as his own before Lyana attacked, driving him away. The Core continued to appear and disappear, taking over Iekez, Lyana, and then even Arkham, and then his goal ultimately became to wreak havoc on The Empire. (We did most of this in LARP so I'm trying hard to remember lol.)

After the destruction had ended, Iekez surprised Lyana with a surprise visit after having left for weeks to fight long term, laying flowers around her in her sleep and leaving a note for her to meet him at the site of their new home. Previously, they had decided that when Sunny was born, they would leave The Empire to live in Sleepy Hollow, closer to where Kacjalx and Xentalia resided. When Lyana arrived, the two spent time together on the hill by a meadow, and they agreed that as they fixed their new home up, they would plant a garden for Sunny to grow up with, and a tree for Amalie.

Time went on, Sunny continued to grow, and the Core continued to wreak his havoc. The last thing he did up to this point was successfully blow up half of Babylon. Since then, he hasn't been doing much else.

Now we're closer to the present. Zack, who by this point, had become less of a threat after explaining himself and his actions and apologizing to Lyana over and over again, came to check up on her while Iekez was out on the battlefield. Lyana, unfortunately, began going into labor at the same time. Zack, very reluctantly, raced out to tell Iekez, who made his way to the infirmary as fast as he could. After long, excruciating hours, Sunny was born- their first blood-related daughter to take a breath in the world. Beautiful and healthy, Lyana and Iekez couldn't be more happy, returning to their new home with their baby daughter to start a brand new life- which will no doubt be filled with more pain and hardships, but that will be spent together every step of the way.

Well, there you have it. Lyana and Iekez. Now you can see just how much these two have gone through, just how much they have experienced, and why their relationship is so near and dear to both of our hearts.

By the way, this is on Tumblr HERE!

I spent six hours writing this history and if you want to know exactly why Lyana and Iekez mean so much, you can read this to get the information.

These two are more than just characters- they’re a part of my heart. Lyana has always been a part of me, but even just writing this has shown me why I do this in the first place.

This pairing has grown. It’s not just fictional anymore. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve cried over them, laughed, and had my heart break and pound for these characters. Lyana and Iekez are the EPITOME of true and perfect love.

It is long, but a relationship this deep, complicated, and perfect needs a long history to be just that.

Lyana is mine.
Iekez belongs to :iconfell--larka:

Thank you for reading. <3
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PyromaniacKai's avatar
Damn. What a story!

trolololol. I can see why Lyana screamed at Zaphira now. But oh the things Zaphira can just say right now after reading this. (I'm a horrible person :D)